Presented by Dérapage

Selection 2024

Celluloid Experiments 2024

118 mins 31 films China, Quebec, Germany, Canada, France, USA
Sat August 03, 2024
3:00 PM

Cinémathèque québécoise

You have a rendezvous with shapes, colours and poetry, on a celluloid journey that takes you straight from daydreams to feverish nightmares. A window into the subconscious of its creators. An experimental film is a project that goes against the grain, generally denying the classical narrative and pushing the medium in unexplored directions. These 29 short and micro-shorts will convince you that the cinematic fringe is alive and well. This programme is co-produced with Montreal's Dérapage festival, a unique audiovisual exploration event created in 2000, which each year invites artists from all disciplines to create non-narrative audiovisual short films. – Marc Lamothe

Expérimentations Celluloïdales V.24

Aug 3 15:00
Quebec 1 mins

The Day the Earth Got Free Richard Pryor...

Ivan Peycheff

An experimental science fiction epic about the importance of dental hygiene made entirely from hand-cut 16mm film.

Aug 3 15:00
USA 3 mins

La théorie du tout

Olivier Bouchard

A physicist's head drifts through space. It explains the fundamental concepts of quantum physics, or not.

Aug 3 15:00
Quebec 2 mins


Scott Cowan

"HIGH" is an abstract and experimental look at anti-drug culture and drug addiction, utilizing DARE PSA's from the 1980s among other elements of found footage.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 3 mins

Crimson Face

Aug 3 15:00
Quebec 1 mins

Glutor and friends

FRed Lavigne

Archive of an old Russian children's program.

Aug 3 15:00
Quebec 3 mins

Tom Cruise

Marianne Pelletier

This film engraving project is an experimental artistic exploration based on images taken from the opening credits of a film starring Tom Cruise.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 1 mins

Les clefs du success

Noémie Parent-Barber

All the secrets to a successful life will be revealed to you in record time, a true escalator to wealth and glory, an intimate propulsion to the heavens and the stars.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 2 mins

Carnet de poche

Léane Klinkow

"Carnet de poche" is an animated film where I scanned all of the pages of my notebook, filled from January to April 2024.

Aug 3 15:00
Quebec 1 mins

Desert of the Real

Tal S. Shamir

It is a map that overshadows the territory or, in this film, an image of one of the busiest cities in the world without its essence - the humans that inhabit it.

Aug 3 15:00
USA 2 mins


Nathan Catucci

A child unleashes a malevolent force as his mother prepares dinner.

Aug 3 15:00
USA 2 mins

Bye Bear

Jan Bitzer

The 80s. A run-down motel. This is where a secret club of robot friends gather regularly to live out their dreams of being something else.

Aug 3 15:00
Germany 11 mins


Julien Sicre

Illustration d'un thème musical en images. Dialogue à distance entre le Québec en images et la musique française.

Aug 3 15:00
Quebec, France 2 mins


Katya Tavitian

A compilation of interviewees describing their biggest fears.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 2 mins

Factory Drop

Petja Pulkrabek

In a dark future, the remains of civilization can only survive in mysterious, bunker-type skyscrapers.

Aug 3 15:00
Germany 15 mins

Mille choses avec toi

Guillaume Marin

A walk in a dense world, where a thousand and one thoughts pass.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 2 mins

The House of Weird

Mark Reyes

"The House of Weird" is a short experimental narrative that delves into the feeling of being lost in our confusing reality and searching for a way out.

Aug 3 15:00
USA 3 mins

Ok silence

Nadya Aubrey

Ok silence was born of the desire to create a sensitive animation inspired by the codes of direct cinema.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 2 mins


Cathie Chahoud

Visual and sonic experimentation on rhythm using images gathered from the web.

Aug 3 15:00
Quebec 1 mins


Xia Lv

The society we live in is like an invisible huge factory, which is involved, exploited and squeezed ... People have no choice but to be mediocre day after day.

Aug 3 15:00
China 6 mins


Sandro Quattrini

Witness an innocent little lizard be subjected to thousands of years of technological development in a continuous morphing transition.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 2 mins

A Visual Poem

Benjamin Walant

Surreal environments take center stage in this visual odyssey.

Aug 3 15:00
USA 5 mins


Jeanne Lemay

Anxiety is all around and fluttering constantly around us, making it hard to reconnect to reality. This animated short film gives a raw and abstract representation of the anxious mind.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 1 mins

Dans mes rêves, je t'avale cru

Sidonie Auclair-Gendron

An exploration of intestines

Aug 3 15:00
Quebec 1 mins

Au Vent Les Songes Bleus

Emma Beyaert-Meisels

A chase encounter between a wild woman and a rabbit. It is a union with otherness in a forest bathed in blue shadows.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada, Quebec 1 mins


Francis Theberge

an improvised artistic encounter between two artists from two different continents (Germany and Canada) with the only starting point being this theme: Nïlak

Aug 3 15:00
Canada, Germany 2 mins

Mémoire entropique

Nicolas Brault

This photographic exploration of family photo albums ravaged by water evokes hazy and indistinct memories, poignant witnesses of a fragile past.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 6 mins


Camille Reynaud

Through the impulses and transmissions that animate our existence, where every movement sets the pace of our daily lives.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 1 mins


Félicité Couëlle-Brunet

For a brief moment, an ant experiences a glimpse of a transcendent feeling from the magical power of the pheromones.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 1 mins

Au Prix de la Chair


Alice is a totally paralyzed teenager who can only communicate through the movements of her eyes. Her brother and sister try an obscure method to treat her...

Aug 3 15:00
France 10 mins

A New York Covid Story

Tal S. Shamir

With rare footage of the New York City COVID-19 lockdown, the film evokes the feeling, experience & atmosphere of one of the most dramatic moments of the beginning of the 21st century.

Aug 3 15:00
USA 3 mins


Sat August 03, 2024
3:00 PM

Cinémathèque québécoise