Selection 2024

Small Gauge Trauma 2024

136 mins 10 films Brazil, Belgium, Spain, Mexico, Chile, USA
Wed July 31, 2024
9:30 PM

Salle J.A. De Sève

Fantasia’s celebrated international showcase of cutting-edge genre works is back with ten films from six countries that positively astonish, returning this year for its 25th edition.

The Mantis

Wylie Rush

Porn actors are turning up dead in this razor-sharp shock comedy about online hook-ups and performative play that will have you laughing and gasping in equal measure.

Jul 31 21:30
USA 10 mins

On God

Andrew Theodore Balasia

A funny and poignantly unsettling kaleidoscope of tones in which a man (Al Warren, DREAM SCENARIO), awakens from a gunshot-induced coma, determined to move on from his violent past.

Jul 31 21:30
USA 10 mins


Rafael Toledo

Determined to work with practical effects, an aspiring filmmaker decides to blow up a nearby building for footage in his next film.

Jul 31 21:30
Brazil 11 mins

The Accomplices

Alberto Evangelio

Spanish filmmaker Alberto Evangelio casts a dark, horror lens on compassionate assisted death, to chillingly moving effect.

Jul 31 21:30
Spain 14 mins


Karel Konings

A tense piece set in an early ’50 medical institution of a different kind, where supernatural children are being euthanized by frightened doctors.

Jul 31 21:30
Belgium 15 mins

Don't Talk to Strangers

Imanol Ortiz López

Skin-crawling nightmare fuel bathed in vintage Kodachrome transfixion, calculated to the microsecond, honed to haunt and mortify

Jul 31 21:30
Spain 5 mins

The Fish Tank

Victoria Garza

The story of a fish woman (Ari Cigarroa) escaped into a world that longs to consume her. A wholly singular genre work that marks the arrival of one hell of a new talent.

Jul 31 21:30
Mexico 12 mins

Empty Jars

Guillermo Ribbeck

A stylishly directed dark fantasy set in a decaying student residence where a woman frees a ghost and works to find it a suitable human vessel to possess.

Jul 31 21:30
Chile 21 mins


Blake Simon

A terrifying entity moves within a group of college students in this dreamily uncanny film that brings vivid freshness to an ageless horror theme.

Jul 31 21:30
USA 14 mins


Grant Swanson

A film about modern dating. To a point.

Jul 31 21:30
USA 25 mins


Wed July 31, 2024
9:30 PM

Salle J.A. De Sève