All Films

Adrianne & the Castle

Shannon Walsh

A documentary about Alan and Adrianne—their love, his grief and the magic that breaks down the line between dream and reality.

Jul 20 18:45
Canada 86 mins

Broken Reflections

Jason Swallow

"Broken Reflections" explores the internal battles we face and the strength it takes to confront our inner demons.

Jul 28 21:15
Canada, Quebec 6 mins

Desert of the Real

Tal S. Shamir

It is a map that overshadows the territory or, in this film, an image of one of the busiest cities in the world without its essence - the humans that inhabit it.

Aug 3 15:00
USA 2 mins

Documentage épisode 10

FRed Lavigne

You will learn some fascinating things about weeds.

Aug 1 19:00
Quebec 2 mins

From My Cold Dead Hands

Javier Horcajada

A jaw-dropping, stranger-than-fiction exploration of gun culture in the United States made from thousands of hours of YouTube videos.

Jul 27 15:00
Aug 4 21:20
Spain 64 mins

The Hollywood Signs

Michael Reich

In honor of the 100 year anniversary of the iconic Hollywood Sign, this short film is presented to help viewers better understand the true majestic beauty of this Hollywood Sign and all Hollywood signs.

Aug 1 21:30
USA 4 mins


Katya Tavitian

A compilation of interviewees describing their biggest fears.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 2 mins

Me and My Victim

Maurane, Billy Pedlow

Maurane and Billy Pedlow are not quite friends and not quite friends and this is the true, messy and kind of fucked up story about how they met. It’ll make you cringe, but it’ll be hard to look away.

Aug 3 21:45
Quebec, USA 100 mins

Mémoire entropique

Nicolas Brault

This photographic exploration of family photo albums ravaged by water evokes hazy and indistinct memories, poignant witnesses of a fragile past.

Aug 3 15:00
Canada 6 mins

A New York Covid Story

Tal S. Shamir

With rare footage of the New York City COVID-19 lockdown, the film evokes the feeling, experience & atmosphere of one of the most dramatic moments of the beginning of the 21st century.

Aug 3 15:00
USA 3 mins

VOÏVOD: We Are Connected

Felipe Belalcazar

Straight outta Jonquière, the story of one of the most groundbreaking metal bands in the world comes to the screen with energy, insight and a palpable sense of love. You will be moved to tears.

Jul 29 21:15
Canada 151 mins


Marie-Christine Petiquay

A woman is about to share a meal with her partner when an unexpected phone call casts doubt on the identity of the man standing before her.

Aug 2 21:00
Canada, Quebec 5 mins