Directed by FRed Lavigne
Théâtre Plaza PRESENTED IN Le cabaret des curiosités 100% international
FRed Lavigne
Pierre Desmarais
7:00 PM
You've got a date with 30 crazy, wacky shorts, grouped into various blocks. Bloodshot Bill, Growlers Choir, Les Costauds and other guests will also enliven this new-style cabaret.
You will learn some fascinating things about weeds.
Felipe Belalcazar
Straight outta Jonquière, the story of one of the most groundbreaking metal bands in the world comes to the screen with energy, insight and a palpable sense of love. You will be moved to tears.
Javier Horcajada
A jaw-dropping, stranger-than-fiction exploration of gun culture in the United States made from thousands of hours of YouTube videos.
Shannon Walsh
A documentary about Alan and Adrianne—their love, his grief and the magic that breaks down the line between dream and reality.