All Films

The Concierge

Yoshimi Itazu

Can Akino succeed at her new job as a salesperson at a luxury store catering to extinct animals? A colourful, comical, compassionate little treasure of bespoke anime.

Jul 30 16:20
Japan 70 mins

Deep Sea

Tian Xiaopeng

The ocean’s depths are alive with dreams and nightmares for young Shenxiu in this emotionally courageous spectacle of unprecedented richness and technical innovation.

Aug 6 13:45
China 112 mins

The First Slam Dunk

Takehiko Inoue

Basketball has always given Ryota and his teammates a sense of purpose, and they'll do whatever it takes to win the championship, in the award-winning anime feature film of the best-selling manga series.

Jul 22 16:00
Japan 124 mins


Shigeyoshi Tsukahara

Age-worn and adorned with vintage Japanese cultural iconography, a thrilling anime adventure that’s equal parts crazy cartoon caper, shadowy film noir, nostalgic escapade, and steampunk fantasy.

Jul 29 14:45
Jul 31 16:45
Japan 62 mins

Mother Land

Park Jae-beom

The first South Korean stop-motion feature film in almost half a century is a snowbound arctic fantasy with a potent emotional warmth at its core.

Jul 30 14:00
South Korea 69 mins

Ramayana - The Legend of Prince Rama

Yugo Sako, Kouichi Sasaki, Ram Mohan

Perdue pendant 30 ans, l’adaptation aimée de l’épopée hindoue est enfin de retour au grand écran. Une convergence de mythes, de musique, de monstres et de héros!

Aug 5 14:00
Japan, India 135 mins

Sand Land

Toshihisa Yokoshima

The demon-infested, post-apocalyptic screwball romp by manga artist Akira Toriyama (DRAGONBALL) is now an anime feature directed by Toshihisa Yokoshima (COCOLORS)!

Jul 23 16:15
Japan 106 mins

Toupie et Binou - le Film

The popular animated series TOUPIE ET BINOU is finally coming to the big screen! With the voices of Marc Labrèche, Anne Dorval, Xavier Dolan, Stéphane Rousseau and Geneviève Schmidt.

Aug 6 10:30
Quebec 78 mins