Canadian Premiere
Selection 2024


Directed by E.L. Katz

USA 2024 85 mins OV - Without dialogue
Genre HorrorAction

“An inventive and exciting blend of folk and survival horror”
– Katie Rife, IGN

“Cements Samara Weaving as a horror icon”
– Matt Donato, COLLIDER

“A thrilling sprint through a heretofore unexplored hellscape that had me riveted”

It’s the post-apocalypse and after escaping captivity from a cult of mute religious fanatics, losing their ability to speak in the process, Azrael (Samara Weaving, READY OR NOT) and her partner Kenan (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, FEMME) are traversing the treacherous forest in an attempt to evade their captors and keep their freedom. However, after falling back into the clutches of evil, Azreal learns that she will be sacrificed to appease an ancient evil that lurks within the shadows of the trees. Not willing to become demon food for a cult that has only caused her harm, Azrael must fight tooth and nail to secure her and Kenan’s freedom in E.L. Katz’s (CHEAP THRILLS) vicious AZRAEL!

With virtually no dialogue to speak of, Katz invokes the spirits of silent cinema and challenges them to a knife fight with lightning-quick pacing in the vein of MAD MAX: FURY ROAD and an intensity reminiscent of EVIL DEAD that’ll have you gripping the armrests of your seat! Rather than be limited by the lack of words, Katz takes AZRAEL back to the purest form of cinema to deliver a film that plays with the most basic of human instincts… SURVIVE! Spearheading this rapid descent into madness is Weaving, who delivers a powerhouse performance, cementing her place on the Mount Rushmore of modern scream queens. Weaving commands the frame with such emotion and ferocity that you will find yourself dodging and weaving past bullets, fanatics, and demons (oh, my)! AZRAEL unleashes screenwriter Simon Barret (YOU’RE NEXT, THE GUEST) into the woods as he delivers one of the most vicious revenge stories of the year! Rooted underneath the blood-soaked ground is an all-too-real tale of working through trauma, and the fight of allowing yourself to move past it and live with your demons. – Vincenzo Nappi